July 8, 2021
Dear Friends,
It was a pleasure to welcome back familiar faces to our sanctuary last week and we look forward to seeing you in-person (or via livestream) at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM) all summer.
What happens when some members of a community want to separate and go their own way just as the nation faces a perilous time? Just such a situation is described in this week's portion, and the Torah offers keen insight into managing the crisis.
Mark your calendar for Shabbat on the Palisades next week, when we will join with Temple Emeth for an outdoor service at the State Line (Alpine) Lookout (6:30 PM), with all four clergy leading the service.
Our Zoom Adas Emuno Book Club meets on Monday (7:30 PM). The Zoom link is in this week’s email from the Rabbi.
You are welcome to join whether you have read the book or not. We will be discussing The Choice, by Dr. Edith Eger, a memoir written by a Holocaust survivor.
And mazal tov to Deb and Jay Fein on the birth of their granddaughter, Eliza Valerie!
Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Schwartz
For Livestream Shabbat Services
Go to YouTube.com and enter Adas Emuno Streaming in the search box. About 5 minutes before the service begins, find the service that is "live" and wait for the service to begin.